Mark's Marshmallow Game

4.25.08 (thurs)

Fr. Joe's good night talk in celebration of Feast of St. Mark, the Evangelist

In the past, in spreading the good news Barnabas and Paul we always together. Mark asked them if he could join them.  On the their first journey Mark got tired and needed to go home.  He requested to join them again when he got alright but Paul hesitated. Barnabas gave him Mark a chance that lead him to separate ways with Paul.
At the end Mark became very good in preaching the word that St. Peter favored him more than Paul.

In the past, a test was given to children telling them that if dont eat the marshmallow until the one who gave it returns,  they have additional mallow as a reward.  some gave in to the temptation, some didnt' mind them and waited for their reward.
At the end the kids who didn't ate the mallows (the ones who have higher EQ) were more successful in life than their counterparts.

In the past games, ive been receiving positive comments about my improvement playing the basketball.  But this afternoon's game made me feel disappointed and hopeless to a point of being angry. Ive told God about it in prayer.
At the end, the stories above (through Fr. Joe) made me realize that there's still hope for me to excell in this sport. If i'll allow these non sense anxieties overcome me i'll be a loser indeed.  The game is not yet over...

so let us  "NOT TO BE DISCOURAGED" and just keep pushin ourselves.
 who knows the reward that awaits us. ayt?!