the V-Formation

"Do you want to fly?"

Half of the class now is startled with the same question we use to answer enthusiastically few weeks ago.  Like most people we think being a cabin crew is only about the prestige and the glamor, the pretty face and the elegant stance.  As the training commenced, we realized that beyond the service and comfort the crew give, lays the most important part of the job – the safety of every individual on board. To be trained how to give first aid, to survive in the seas, to fight fire, to master evacuation drills and many more. One can only give such with thorough and deep knowledge of the safety procedures and aircraft equipment.

For us to imbibe these lessons, our 110%-committed trainers, Ms Glenda Ochoa and Ms. Gladys Vibar, have taught us how to take care of ourselves as well as to take care of others.  That through discipline, one can consistently keep abreast with the technical discussions while maintaining a properly groomed personality.

They also emphasized the value of the welfare of each member as an initial step to achieve a dedicated and genuine customer interaction skill needed, as we plunge into the line.  It is also a sure way to build teamwork among us in order to create a professional relationship with other cabin crew. Additionally, fun has proved to be always a good companion.

Indeed Philippine Airlines is very serious with the safety and welfare of their passengers, with the rigid training they give their rookies.  Each day the course becomes harder and harder; we learn more about ourselves, about others and how to live harmoniously.  Being a cabin crew is more than just what everybody thinks. It is a lifestyle of bringing people to places and realizing their dreams.  So when asked "Do you want to fly?", the 16 male and female of Initial Cabin Crew Training Batch 09-02 will surely respond:

"Yes! We will fly
with you, side by side."

Mary Help of Christians, Pray for us!

27Apr09-7Aug09. PAL Learning Center, Padre Faura, Manila

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